Top 5 Reasons Why People Use Payday Loans

There is a massive demand for payday loans. As payday loans offer a quick solution, during cash emergencies, people tend to rely on them. If you need money for an emergency like your car has broken down, or paying bills, a payday loan gives you an injection of cash that helps see you through. Moreover, it is easily accessible as you can apply for payday loans online.

Some of the main reasons why people rely on payday loans are:

  1. Holiday Loans

Christmas is always a time when parents become desperate at this period of the year as they struggle to buy everything their children want. It’s difficult to explain to your kids that you can’t afford to buy them gifts when Santa supposedly brings them anyhow.

And people apply for 24 hour instant payday loans because it works as the best solution. You can get the money you need for the Christmas, and then you can pay them back in the new year, hopefully, after you make some money.

  1. Loans for a Medical Emergency

Medical emergencies will always be a big expense if you don’t have health insurance. It could range between $1000 to a couple hundred thousand. With such medical emergencies going on, hopefully, you won’t be able to go through the lengthy process of banks. You can easily apply for a payday loan and get paid within a couple of days. The easy way to avoid it is to get health insurance. However, even that can be expensive.

  1. Avoiding Embarrassment

Borrowing money from family or friends in tough days sounds common. As family and friends are always there to help us in need. And they don’t charge us any interest too. But borrowing money from someone you know personally can cause friction. It can sometimes hamper the relation. So people prefer payday loans rather than borrowing from friends or family. 

  1. Loans to Pay Unexpected Debt

Finally, we all try to avoid debt as much as possible, keeping the thought of never being end up in debt. However, debt can be unexpected. If anything wrong happens to your loved one and if they are in debt, guess who inherits it? That’s right; you do, and you’ll need to pay it off as quickly as possible. There isn’t an easy way out of this situation, and many people use payday loans for help.

  1. Loans for Mortgage Repayments

What can be worse, falling behind on mortgage repayments or getting payday loans? Failing to pay mortgage loan can give the mortgage company thought of you not being able to afford the home. And it can lead to some action against you, moreover, if you continue to deliver late payments. Either you can get a new suitable payment plan from a mortgage, or you can downsize your home. Either will ensure that you won’t need to take out another payday loan to keep up to date.

About the Author 

Christian Taylor, is a communication assistant at Spondooli – one of the leading payday loans lender company in Australia that provides quick loans online in emergencies with cash advance service. If you are in urgent need of money, you can reach out to him at to discuss your payday loan needs.