What to Do Legally If You Are Involved in an Uber Accident

If you are involved in an accident while traveling in an Uber, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, there are specific steps that you’ll need to take to maximize the chances of this happening. Let’s take a look at what those steps are and why it’s important to take action in a timely manner.


Call for Help


If you are able to do so, call for police, medical, or other emergency assistance teams to come to your location. When medical help arrives, you can be evaluated for injuries such as broken bones or a concussion. A police officer may ask you for your identification and to provide a statement. You should keep medical records or other documents generated at the scene of the crash.


See Your Doctor


In the event of a serious or life-threatening injury, you will be taken from the scene of the crash to the hospital for evaluation. Otherwise, you will be tasked with seeking medical help on your own after being checked out at the scene. Ideally, you’ll see your doctor within 24 to 48 hours as you may have an internal bleed or other injuries that haven’t presented yet. In addition, doing so can generate additional records that can be used during settlement talks or at trial.


Contact a Personal Injury Attorney


After seeing a doctor, your next step should be to contact a personal injury attorney. Most states have statutes of limitations as to how long you have to file a lawsuit, and legal counsel will likely want to file a suit to preserve your rights. A personal injury attorney will also likely review any evidence that you have in the case and take steps to acquire other evidence that might exist. Consultations are typically free of charge, and you typically don’t owe any money unless the personal injury attorney you hire helps win your case. Make sure to do your due diligence by researching personal injury attorneys in your area so you can find one who has the right experience to help you with your case.


Say as Little as Possible


Generally speaking, you only need to provide a statement to the police as well as a statement to your insurance company. Often, you’re not required to talk to your Uber driver’s insurance company or any other party. Ideally, you will take full advantage of your right to remain silent as anything you say or do can literally be used against you.


It’s important to know that insurance companies, opposing counsel, or others with a vested interest in your case can go to great lengths to uncover evidence to damage your case. For instance, opposing counsel may follow your social media accounts while a defendant may collect pictures or posts on their own to use against you. Ultimately, the less you say online or elsewhere, the easier it will be to win your case.


In most motor vehicle personal injury cases, you can obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and lost earnings. You may also be entitled to the cost of in-home help, the value of lost relationships, or other damages. An attorney may be able to help you obtain a favorable settlement or jury award in your case.