6 Festive Ways to Incorporate Flags in Your Holiday Decor
Holiday decorating is just around the corner. Perhaps you want to a little more spooky fun to your Halloween ambiance. Or you’re looking for some extra autumn touches to complete your Thanksgiving décor. Maybe you want to incorporate some magical charm to your Christmas display. Look no further than festive holiday flags.
1. Add a Holiday Flag to your Front Lawn or Garden
When you put a metal flag stand in your front yard or garden, it lets your whole neighborhood know that your household has embraced the holiday spirit. There are a wide variety of different holiday themes that are perfect for a lawn display. You’ll want to choose a flag that’s sturdy and designed to withstand the outside elements. These flags can include a verbal greeting, such as “Merry Christmas” or they can include pictures that remind people of the reasons for the season. Flags can add a pop of color to your larger outdoor holiday display or they can stand alone if you don’t have time or space for other decorations. They’re quick and easy to install by simply sticking them into the ground. They’re ideal for large homes, businesses or condos alike.
2. Fly a Holiday Flag on a Front Porch Flagpole
Even if you don’t have any yard space in front of your home or business, you can still incorporate a festive holiday flag. You can simply purchase one that attaches to a front porch flag pole. These flags are often even larger and more eye-catching than garden flags. They attach right beside your front door using simple hardware that’s easy to install yourself. You can change them out seasonally for all your favorite holidays, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and the Fourth of July. These classic front porch flags can make your home or business stand out as the most festive on the block!
3. Hang an Indoor Holiday Flag in your Entryway
As soon as a person enters your home or office, they can be greeted by a colorful and inviting holiday flag. These indoor flags often hang down vertically, giving an impressive and elegant appearance to your home. This is a great place to incorporate a flag with an intricate picture, such as a nativity scene. Or you could choose a flag with an inviting message such as “Welcome to our Home,” surrounded by holiday images and colors.
4. Include a Flag in your Holiday Table Centerpiece
Flags don’t only have to be hung to be enjoyed. They can also be displayed right on top of your holiday dining table. Your flag filled with autumn leaves is the ideal spot to place your centerpiece of pumpkins, Indian corn, or a Thanksgiving cornucopia. Your red and green Christmas flag adds just the right touch to your poinsettia or evergreen centerpiece.
5. Add Holiday Flags to your Living Room
A less conventional but exciting place for holiday flags is right inside the living room. They can be fastened over the top of existing wall decorations or added to the inside of the picture frames. This is a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to transform the entire room to fit various holiday themes.
6. Display Holiday Flags at your House of Worship
Adding a Christmas Flag with a spiritual motif can greatly enhance the beauty of a church nativity display. These flags can include words such as “Hope,” or “Faith” which are commonly associated with this special time of year. All different faith traditions can include flags as part of their holiday décor as well. Whether these flags display holy symbols or written messages, they can help to increase the awe and wonder of the holidays.
Holiday flags are a versatile and inexpensive way to make your holiday displays better than ever. No matter where you may choose to display these festive banners, they’re sure to add excitement, cheer, and joy to you and your guests this holiday season.