8 Huge Mistakes Real Estates Agents Make on Website Design

Real estate Agents need to have websites. Many agents focus too much on putting items in the same order as Google search results and not enough to ensure that people can easily see what they want. This article will discuss some of the mistakes agents make with their website’s design.

1. Being Too Generic

Real estate agents know to list out their selling points. The problem is they put the same selling points on every website page, including the homepage. This is a huge mistake because it shows that they have not taken the time to tailor their website to individuals looking at it.

2. Holding Onto An Outdated Aesthetic

In web design, some trends come and go. In the past, a minimalist aesthetic was very popular. The problem with this style is that it can get boring if the website does not have enough substance.

3. Not Having A Clear Focus Or Goal

There is nothing wrong with having multiple goals on a website. The problem is when agents do not make it clear what their website’s focus is. When someone lands on the homepage, they should be able to clearly understand what they will get out of it.

4. Focusing Too Much On Visuals

While good visuals are important, they cannot stand alone on a website. A site needs good content too, and most real estate agents do not realize this mistake until it is too late to correct it. It is important to base your design on your customers’ needs and not just on aesthetics. It’s important for a website to track leads and also understand the needs of the target audience.

5. Not Showing Testimonials

Customers look to customer testimonials more than anything else to determine a website’s credibility. Real estate agents know this, but they do not take the time to post customer testimonials on their sites. The best way to handle testimonials is to show how many people have given you good reviews, and it looks much more believable than simply asking them not to badmouth you in reviews they post online.

6. Not Showing Secondary Credentials

Buyers want to know that they can trust you, so you must show them any credentials you may have that prove your credibility as a real estate agent. The most common of these credentials is the ABR, but some agents will also show their state’s license.

7. Not Being Consistent with Your design

Consistency is a vital part of creating a good website. When an agent updates their website, they should update it in a way that is as similar as possible, and if they are updating their email or social media page, they should also update those same pages. Agents should also follow the same rules when building their websites.

8. Overcomplicating Your System

This may seem like a minor issue, but it is extremely important. Agents should find a structure for their website that is easy to understand and then stick to that structure. Too many agents try to add elements to the system too soon, and this ends up confusing people who land on the same page twice.

In conclusion, real estate agents should pay much more attention to the finer details of their website’s design. They need to give customers a reason to keep coming back, and a good website is one of the easiest ways to do that.