4 Boat Safety Tips For Summer
Summer boating can be both a fun and a safe adventure if you take the right precautions to keep yourself and your passengers out of harm’s way. Certain safety measures should be adhered to every time you go out on the water if you want to avoid danger. These four boat safety tips can make your summer adventures on the water less hazardous and more fulfilling for everyone.
1. Bring the Right Safety Gear
Every boater should be equipped with safety gear that can be used whenever they encounter dangerous situations. Life jackets for you and your passengers should be of the correct sizes to fit everyone aboard so that they can be used as floatation devices if your boat capsizes or experiences other problems that leave people in the water. A first aid kit that includes bandages, tweezers and other first aid essentials should also be brought with you. Extra lights are also good to bring, and they will definitely come in handy if you boat at night or in cloudy conditions.
2. Keep Your Distance
When boating, you’ll want to maintain a safe distance between your boat and other boats to lessen the chances of collisions. It’s also important that you don’t get too close to swimmers, skiers and jet skiers on the water so that your boat doesn’t put them in danger. During times when you’re in close vicinity of other boats or people on the water, you should drive your boat slower so that you don’t create large waves and rough waters that could put others in danger.
3. Have a Good Insurance Plan
Just like with your car and home, you can get an insurance plan that covers your boat. Many of the best boat insurance plans cover the costs for certain repairs and also provide liability coverage if your boat ends up damaging someone else’s boat or property. If another boat collides with your boat and the other boater doesn’t have insurance, your policy may provide uninsured watercraft coverage so that you won’t have to pay for all your repair costs out of pocket. Your plan may even cover medical costs if anyone gets injured while you’re boating.
4. Check Your Fuel System
If any problems arise with your fuel system, you could find yourself stranded on the water or encounter other dangers. It’s important that your boat has enough fuel to make it through your entire journey, and you should consider bringing an extra fuel supply in case you run out in a place that’s far from shore. The fuel tank should also be secured and free from contaminants and rust. To prevent fires from starting, you’ll want to keep the engine compartment clean without putting any oily rags or other materials that could catch fire near it. Any fuel leaks could pollute the water and harm the environment, so it’s important to have the leaks in your fuel system repaired before you go boating.
Safety should be your number one priority every time you take your boat out on the water. Being aware of these safety tips and the dangers that you can prevent by following them can make you a smart and responsible boater this summer.