5 Creative Ways to Define Your Brands Voice
A brand’s voice is the way the company communicates with its customers. That can range from the overall tone of their language to selling points that differentiate them from their competitors. If you have a company and are looking for ways to define your brand voice, here are five creative ways to help.
1. Start with a Logo
Your brand personality defines your company, so start by defining it with a logo. Choose a logo that reflects your brand’s personality through colors and icons. A great way to showcase how you want to be portrayed on the web is simply through color schemes and tones of imagery. A vibrant image will grab attention, whereas a neutral one might be best for consistency.
2. Use Customer Testimonials
If your customers feel strongly enough about your brand to write a few words about it, that’s a good sign. They’re more likely to show up again if they enjoy the experience the first time around, and they’ll also tell their friends and family about it. A great way to advertise this is through testimonial pages on your website. It can be as simple as collecting quotes from your satisfied customers and publishing them on a page of their own. If you wanted to jazz up your website, you could even create a video of customer testimonials to include.
3. Use a Slogan
In some cases, your customers won’t leave you a testimonial or a quote on your testimonials page. If this happens, having a memorable and straightforward slogan can create a bond between your company and its customers. Because of this, using a famous catchphrase that offers something complimentary about the product or service is also a great way to speak to the customer’s heart. It’s something they take pride in owning and using.
4. Create a Personality Test
It is one of the more popular ways to define your brand personality. It involves handing out surveys or a branding quiz that gives you an idea of who your customer is and how they feel about the product or service. The results can get analyzed to provide you with a better idea of what to promote and what color schemes to use.
5. Study Your Competitors
Competition is what drives businesses to improve and stay ahead of their competition. A great way to define your brand is to study your competition. It includes examining what they’ve done in the past and who they are targeting with their marketing strategies. A company that defines itself based on what other companies do can be a lot more successful than one whose branding is determined by these factors.
In summary, a brand’s identity sets it apart from its competition in the minds of customers. Therefore, it’s essential to think about ways to define your brand because it can make a big difference in the minds of your customers. From the tone of your slogan to the colors you use in your logo, each element of your brand identity contributes to how you sell yourself to your customers and how they sell you to their friends.