5 Signs of Deteriorating Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is the air quality within and around homes, buildings and structures. It has a large impact on the health and comfort of the occupants of the home.  Discovering and protecting against common indoor pollutants can significantly decrease your risk of health problems.

Experts have found that some signs in your home will clearly show the presence of poor indoor air quality. It is of utmost importance that you understand these signs so that you know what to do when they appear. There are professionals who can help you to improve the indoor air quality in your home. In this article, you will learn some of the signs in your home that show poor or deteriorating indoor air quality. 


Image via Flickr by Giustino

Coughing or Other Respiratory Problems

A high concentration of particles in your indoor air signify that you have poor indoor air quality.  The particles in the air can enter into your lungs causing coughs and other respiratory issues. When you notice you are having frequent respiratory issues in your home, you should look at the quality of the indoor air in your home.

Allergy Symptoms

Homeowners should understand that some allergy symptoms may not be caused by the changing seasons. When you experience itching, sneezing, and watery eyes, this can be a result of your body reacting to contaminants in your indoor air. If you want to have a healthy home, you need to find a way to reduce or eliminate these air contaminants.  

Headaches, Fatigue, and Dizziness

Sometimes, a lingering headache with no immediate explanation can be caused by contaminants in your indoor air. This can be a result of contaminants such as pesticides and garbage that has been left for too long.  Other pollutants such as fumes and carbon monoxide can lead to fatigue or dizziness. These contaminants pollute your indoor air and can cause health issues for you and your family.

Dry Skin and Irritation

Your skin can also be affected by poor indoor air quality, especially if you have sensitive skin. If you notice your skin showing signs of rashes, dryness, or peeling, you need to look at the quality of your indoor air and reduce the contaminants or eliminate their sources.  

Unusual Smells

If you notice the air in your house has a strange smell, this could be a sign of poor indoor air quality. Stuffy and bitter smells suggest poor ventilation and poor air quality. You should investigate the source and call in professionals to help you solve the problem.   

You must be on the lookout for these signs as they can appear without notice. Paying attention to small signs like these will save you in the long run from chronic health problems. If you notice one or more of these symptoms of poor air quality, try to find the source immediately or call in professional help.