7 Ideas to Give Teachers a Self-Care Gift When Starting School
Self-care is conserving one’s health through various activities to increase general wellness. Teachers are some of the most hardworking professionals today, but their work is tedious and stress-ridden. Moreover, the repetitive nature of their work tends to take a toll on their health, leading to an increasing number of teachers leaving the profession.
Self-care manifests itself in various forms, which are psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Therefore, teachers are learning new ways of adapting to their working conditions by practicing healthy habits.
The main benefits of self-care include keeping burnout at bay, better teacher-student relationships, and improved professional satisfaction, among other benefits. Therefore, teachers ought to treat themselves to gifts to aid their work.
1. Travelling Mug
Hydration is an important aspect of general wellness since sufficient water intake aids in maintaining proper bodily functions. A traveling mug is a great gift you could buy yourself to store your steaming hot coffee in the morning when going for an early lecture. The cup also doubles up as a water container and limits the number of trips you’ll have to make to the water dispenser.
2. Coffee Fix Curated Gift Box
Many teachers consider caffeine as the fluid that fuels their perseverance—getting a hot cup of coffee during the day from an assortment of premium coffee varieties. This gift will for sure make your early mornings full of caffeinated sweetness.
3. Magnetic Organizer
As a teacher, organization is a key element of your daily routine where you get to arrange your books, writing material, and stationery to allow you to work with minimal disturbance. Magnetic organizers are a great gift to help you sort out the clutter in your work center.
4. Dry Erase Marker Pens
Budget cuts and infrastructural developments in schools limit the resources that go into recurrent expenditure, especially stationery. Teachers often go into their pockets to buy essential stationery such as marker pens and erasers.
Therefore, getting yourself a quality set of marker pens improves your delivery in the classroom. Dry erase markers are the perfect gift for all your whiteboard needs because they are relatively affordable, long-lasting, and reliable.
5. Travelling Journal
Have a notepad to jot down key points in your day-to-day activities and memorable trips to various places. Also, having a detailed account of your achievements may one day form the basis of a book to sum up your professional career.
6. Snack Stash
Every teacher has in their own right a stash of snacks hidden away from their prying students’ eyes. Some days may be tiresome, and you may want to sit and enjoy a good mouthful of sweetness.
7. Relaxing Bath Salts
Your body needs to be soothed regularly to ease the stress of work. Bath salts are a good way to improve your sleep quality while relaxing your muscles. After a long day at the start of school, bath salts will help a teacher be able to relax and take a few minutes for themselves.