How To Know if Medical Marijuana Can Help Your Pain

Medical marijuana is a product of either stems, leaves, or flowers of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Despite being illegal in some states, marijuana is well known for its health benefits when used under a doctor’s prescription. The ability of medical marijuana to relieve patients from chronic pain has made it well known. Although researchers are still trying to find out what diseases marijuana can treat, we have a list of diseases that marijuana can help treat. 

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can result from rheumatoid arthritis, spinal code injury, muscle pain, cancer, chemotherapy, and sclerosis. Studies show that patients who had severe pain got relieved from the pain after using medical marijuana. Therefore, if you are under extreme pain, medical marijuana can be the solution. Researchers did some clinical tests on patients who have arthritis, and the pain reduced by 40% after the use of medical marijuana. Marijuana contains cannabinoids, and the pain detecting nerves contain cannabinoid receptors. Under controlled quantities, cannabinoids will block peripheral nerve pains.

Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD

If you are suffering from anxiety, using medical marijuana might relieve you from the pain. Also, marijuana has shown positive feedback in treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. When depressed, you are in a tense mood, and using medical marijuana will bring some calmness. Under the survey, more than 90% of patients reported relief from depression after using medical marijuana. However, there are both benefits and problems related to the use of medical marijuana when depressed. For about 50% of medical marijuana users, after using a small amount, they improved. High amounts of medical marijuana will cause more depression because it will change cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The dosage and content of medical marijuana matter a lot in treatment. When you suffer from depression and anxiety, we recommend low THC and high CBD content in the medication. If this kind of treatment works for you, you can also try treating depression with ketamine infusions.


You might be having an underlying medical condition or using medication that affects your sleeping pattern. In such cases, the doctor might recommend the use of medical marijuana. Research shows that over 80% of patients who took marijuana when having insomnia gave positive feedback. Medical marijuana will trigger the cannabinoid receptors on the brain and cause better sleep. The THC and CBD content of marijuana are responsible for bringing better sleep, although the effects are short-term. We recommend using medical marijuana only when insomnia has to be caused by another condition- for example, multiple sclerosis, pain, or anxiety. Ensure the medication you take has measured levels of THC and CBD. Measured amounts of THC will make you sleep, but large amounts of THC will cause a lack of sleep. In contrast, little CBD will interfere with your sleep, but large CBD amounts will give you long, peaceful sleep. 

Like any other medication, you need to take medical marijuana under a doctor’s prescription. Overdose and misuse of medical marijuana might lead to addiction. Your body will become dependent on marijuana, and the moment you stop using it, you will develop withdrawal symptoms. You can control the harmful effects of medical marijuana by sticking to the given dose. The type of marijuana product that you use as medication matters ensures you know the ratio of marijuana contents. Additionally, the type and cause of pain, your mental health, daily habits, body weight, and eating habits will affect the impacts of medical marijuana in your body.