4 Common Funeral Planning Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

While there are many topics people love to discuss, funerals are not one of them. Yet unfortunately, each of us will at some point pass on, which makes funeral planning even more important. With well over 2 million funerals taking place each year in the U.S., many mistakes are made along the way, creating even more grief for family members and friends. To make sure everything goes smoothly when the time comes, here are four of the most common funeral planning mistakes and how they can be avoided.

Not Taking Advantage of Pre-Planning

Since talking about a funeral is something you likely want to put off as long as possible, chances are you have not taken advantage of pre-planning services offered by funeral homes. From deciding what you will wear when being buried to what music will play at your funeral and how you will pay for the service, sitting down with your family and a funeral director ahead of time will be beneficial for everyone.

Lack of Burial Insurance

If you are not aware of this, the cost of a funeral continues to rise annually. Currently, it can cost almost $9000 for a typical funeral, which is money most families don’t have put away for such an occasion. By not obtaining burial insurance, your family can face a heavy financial burden. To prevent this, purchase burial insurance, which is often very affordable, well before it will likely be needed.

Spending Too Much for the Funeral

When it comes time to have a funeral, many people make the mistake of letting their emotions take over when deciding what to purchase for the funeral. As a result, they often pick out the most expensive casket, arrange for far too many flowers, and other mistakes that can add up to thousands of dollars they can’t afford to spend. To avoid spending too much for the funeral, talk to the funeral director about how much money you can actually spend. Also, have a trusted friend or family member with you who can be the voice of reason when your emotions start to take over.

Underestimating the Needs of Attendees

When a funeral takes place, it often results in a large gathering of people of all ages and in varying degrees of health. Because of this, don’t make the mistake of underestimating the needs of attendees prior to the funeral. For example, if you know people will be attending who have certain physical disabilities or limitations, make sure you have an area set aside where then can easily find seating and be comfortable. Also, decide if you want to allow very small children to attend. If you don’t consider this subject, you may have a baby’s crying interrupting what you hoped would be a calm and peaceful service for your loved one.

Since emotions are always running high after the loss of a loved one, it can be harder than most people realize to plan a funeral in a short period of time. Rather than have bad memories of a funeral that did not go as well as you had hoped, take the time now to plan out the important details. Once you do, you and your family will have peace of mind, knowing that when that sad time comes everything will be ready.